Friday, February 22, 2008

Couple Quiz

I've already posted this on my personal blog, but it was fun and I wanted to share it on here as well. I know there's two other couples on this blog, so I wanna see what you come up with!


What's his name?
Aaron James Frisby

What’s her name?
Hilary Holley Perkins Frisby (I haven't figured out the legal middle part yet. Isn't that how Mexicans have their names? Like 2 generations of maiden names?)

How long have you been together?
About 3 years (I just got out the calculator) including the 1 year we've been married

How old is he?

How old is she?

Who eats more?
That's a tough one. Depends on what we're eating. It's embarrassing that it's so close.

Who said I love you first?
Pretty sure it was Hilary, but we can't remember for sure. We've loved each other for a long time (awwww)

Who is taller?

Who sings better?
AJ says I do, but he's not bad either.

Who is smarter?
I'd say it depends on the subject, but let's be honest: A.J.

Whose temper is worse?
I think AJ does. He's telling me I do. Maybe we'll fight about it :)

Who does the laundry?

Who does the dishes?
Our dishwasher :) or Hilary

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Hilary. Wait...which right? Like if you're laying down or looking at the bed?

Who pays the bills?
Hilary physically pays them, but we're about 50-50 in bread-winning. Maybe 51-49.

Who mows the lawn?
Hey, it's February. We both shovel the snow.

Who cooks dinner?
Hilary. Or El Rancheritos. Or Pier 49.

Who drives when you are together?
A.J. He still doesn't trust Hilary's new and amazing stick-shift skills.

Who is more stubborn?

Who is the first to admit their wrong?
Hilary! But who is wrong more? That's the question.

Whose parents do you see the most?
A.J.'s. They're 2 hours away versus 12.

Who kissed whom first?
Hilary kissed A.J. first. Apparently on our first date, but Hilary can't confirm it was the very first date!

Who asked whom out?
A.J. got my number and called me the next day. We went shooting.

Who has more friends?
We both suck at keeping in touch with friends, so that one's hard. But A.J. has more friends here in Logan.

Who is more sensitive?
Hilary. Cry-baby.

Who wears the pants in the family?
Hilary tries desperately, but A.J. wins.

Where did you meet?
At Lacey and Kirk's in Rexburg.

What was the first thing you said to your husband?
"Are YOU married?" Good thing the answer was no.

Where was your first kiss?
On Hilary's porch/balcony at La Jolla apartments.

Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement?

Where did you get engaged?
Sheep Falls, Idaho

Who proposed?

Who has more siblings?
A.J. has 5, Hilary has 2

Where were you married?
Idaho Falls

What do you do now?

Haha. We live in Logan, Utah. AJ is a welder and Hilary is a graphic designer. We watch Seinfeld reruns every night and we still don't own a couch.

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